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Being a lawyer is a complex profession having an extremely important role in democratic society regarding realization and protection of individual civil rights as well as rights in the framework of collective organization. Thus, this profession has always been a part of specific regime of regulation and every society is trying to formulate it in the affirmative way with respect of serving individual and collective purpose.

A lawyer is a person awarded with important role within the functioning of legal regime. This profession seeks for maximum dedication to the work, responsibility, expertise and morality. Furthermore, every member of Croatian Bar Association has to satisfy certain criteria that represent additional security that he will be ready, with his expert, moral and working qualities, to fulfil all of his duties, in accordance with high principles required by the profession itself.

Although sometimes, because of different political impacts, the public has a difficult time to objectively perceive this profession, it is still deemed to be the essential link for realization of ideals of legal order and development of democratic standards of sovereign Croatian society.

Every lawyer has a different profile of its own development, experience and qualification, and thus certainly represents an individual worthiness. As a part of big lawyer’s society that has been operating with its great tradition during the last 140 years, thus making an impact on the development of Croatian society, every lawyer represents the assurance that he will serve justice and help promotion of legal protection and that he will, in accordance with abilities and experience, provide good legal services.